
 Disease Fighting Powers In Common Foods


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Food Stimulates Diverse Biological Responses in the Body, Below Are Common Foods with Pharmacological Activity according to the latest Evidence -

Information Sourced From Various Resources And Research 





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'Health Benefits Of Foods' Listed Below 


Asparagus  - A source of glutathione an antioxidant with strong anticancer activity.

Apples  - High in fiber, helps avoid Constipation, Suppresses Appetite. Has mild Antibacterial, Antiinflammatory, estrogenic activity and is Antiviral, Reduces Cholesterol, and Contains Anti Cancer agents

 Avocados - contain oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that may help to lower cholesterol.  decreases  total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure. Adequate intake of potassium can help to guard against circulatory diseases, like high blood pressure, heart disease or stroke. been shown to offer protection against breast cancer, Prostate Cancer As well as Oral cancer. Source of vitamin K, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, folate and copper.  they are higher in potassium than a medium banana.

Bananas are good for your heart and nerves: Bananas contain a high dose of potassium - an essential ingredient to keep your heart and nervous system in good shape. Bananas are good for your kidneys and bones: Benefits to the kidneys and the bones are again due to the high potassium content of bananas. A normal intake of potassium suppresses calcium excretion in the urine and minimizes the risk of kidney stones. Bananas can act as mood enhancers or mild sedatives: Bananas contain tryptophan (although it’s not one of the major sources, a medium still contains about 10.6 mg of tryptophan). Tryptophan is one of the 20 amino acids which are building blocks of proteins. Bananas are good for your blood: Bananas are one of the highest sources of naturally available vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 plays an important role in converting tryptophan to serotonin, and also helps the body to make hemoglobin - a crucial ingredient of your blood. Vitamin B6 is also essential for antibody production and to maintain a healthy immune response. It also helps to convert carbohydrates to glucose and thereby maintains proper blood sugar levels. Bananas are good source of dietary fiber: A single serving (one medium-sized banana) contains 16% of the daily recommended dietary fiber intake for a normal adult. See Below for more Benefits of Bananas.

Broccoli - Strong anti-cancer ingredient. Also helps to cleanse and strengthen the blood, boost the immune system and improve digestion. Broccoli helps to lower cholesterol and adds vitamins C, a, b6 and b2, and the minerals folate, iron, potassium and magnesium!

Cabbage - Anti-cancer, Strengthens blood, Strengthens immunity, Weight Loss, Source of Fibre, Vitamin C, Folate

Celery - Lowers Cholesterol, Weight Loss, Source of Fibre, Vitamin C, Folate

 Chocolate - A  antioxidant,  Chocolate contains flavonoids, which are a type of flavonol. What are flavonols, you might ask? Flavonols are natural compounds found in plants, and these compounds help the plants to fight off toxins and to heal themselves, chocolate that has not had sugar added to it has natural antibacterial agents that combat tooth decay, The carbohydrates found in chocolate raise the serotonin levels in your brain, which can make you feel happier. Chocolate also raises the level of endorphins in your brain, which can put you in a better mood. Can protect against Stroke, natural compound found in chocolate can helps to reduce blood pressure, Chocolate contains a stimulant called theobromine which has been shown to help reduce the coughing reflex. See Below

 Coffee And Its Benefits - studies have shown that those who drink coffee in moderation seem to have a statistically lesser chance of developing Type II Diabetes, which is the non-inherited form of Diabetes. those who drink coffee are 50 percent less likely to suffer from Cancer. Most specifically studied were breast, rectal  and Colon Cancer, A study done over 30 years shows that those who drink coffee have a much lower chance of contacting Parkinson’s Disease, coffee is actually a natural antioxidant source. Antioxidants help to keep the Blood Clean thus possibly helping to prevent High Blood Pressure and heart disease. But remember to drink coffee in moderation; too much coffee, and caffeine, is not good for your health. Those who drink coffee regularly are 80 percent less likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver.  coffee Can boosts your metabolism which can also help to burn off calories. Medicines for asthma almost always contain high does of caffeine because caffeine helps with the symptoms of asthma. coffee is a natural diuretic, but it  can also naturally cleanses the stomach as it passes through in Some, Coffee apparently lowers the levels of cholesterol in stomach bile, thus helping to prevent the body from building up gall stones. 

 Fish - Omega-3 fatty acids are essential, polyunsaturated fatty acids found primarily in fish. They have been shown to lower LDL-cholesterol. Eating 35grams or more of fish daily reduces the risk of death from non-sudden myocardial infarction. As little as one fish meal per week has been associated with a significantly reduced risk of total cardiovascular mortality.

Garlic -

Garlic can be used to treat high cholestrol, parasites, respiratory problems, poor digestion, and low energy. Studies suggest that regularly eating garlic helps lower blood pressure, controls blood sugar and blood cholesterol, and boosts the immune system. It has also been found to reduce the risk of esophageal, stomach, and colon cancer. 
Note that it is not recommended to take garlic in its raw form, since the enzyme necessary to produce allicin may be destroyed in the stomach before having any positive effect. For this reason, dried or powdered garlic tablets are more suitable to take advantage of garlic's immune-boosting qualities. Studies have shown that other forms of garlic such as cooked garlic, pickled garlic, and aged garlic are also beneficial.
Garlic is known to have antiviral properties, Garlic may also reduce the severity of upper respiratory tract infections. Garlic is considered to regulate blood sugar levels by increasing the release of insulin in diabetics, lowers blood pressure levels as effectively as patients taking prescription blood pressure drugs, lowers cholesterol levels and reduces arterial plaque formation, Garlic's antibacterial, analgesic, and anesthetizing properties can help cure toothaches. Simply put some garlic oil or a piece of crushed garlic clove directly onto the affected tooth and the gum for instant relief, 
Garlic's ability to fight infections and bacteria makes it an effective cure for warts and other skin problems. 
Note: that due to garlic's anti-clotting and blood thinning properties, people taking anti-coagulant drugs or who are scheduled for surgery should check with their doctor before taking garlic supplements.

Okra - Anti-cancer, Strengthens blood, Strengthens immunity, Improves digestion, Lowers Cholesterol, Weight Loss, Source of Fibre, Vitamin C, B1, B6, Folate, Iron, Calcium

Oranges Besides being rich in vitamin C, folate, and fiber, citrus fruits are rich in limonoids which have been identified as protective against a variety of spontaneous and chemically-induced tumors in rats and mice.

 Always check with your doctor if you believe you are suffering from a disease or ailment

Papaya - Aids digestion, eliminates heartburn, indigestion and inflammatory bowel diseases

Soya Bean - Soya bean is a great source of protein and Benefits the immune system

Spinach - Anti-cancer, Improves blood pressure, Strengthens blood, Strengthens immunity, Improves digestion, Lowers Cholesterol, Weight Loss, Source of Fibre, Vitamin C, A, B2, B6, Folate, Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium

Sprouts - Sprouts contain literally hundreds of condensed vitamins, minerals and micro nutrients.

Tomato Lycopene, the primary carotenoid found in tomatoes, is associated with reduced cancer risk of the prostate, breast, digestive tract, cervix, bladder, and skin. Proposed mechanisms by which lycopene could influence cancer risk are related to its anti-oxidant function. Anti-cancer, Strengthens blood, Strengthens immunity, Lowers Cholesterol, Weight Loss, Vitamin C, A, Folate, Iron, Potassium


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  Some of The Benefits of  Herbs And Spices  Below


  • Alfalfa Sprouts - Also helps to lower cholesterol,  and is also a source of protein and folate.
  • Dandelion Greens - Excellent at warding off cancer, strengthens the immune system and also helps with weight loss and cholesterol levels. Great source of iron and calcium.
  • Kelp - Strengthens the blood and immune systems while lowering cholesterol! Importantly, also assists in breakdown of protein and regeneration of blood cells. Also a source of folate, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium and Iodine.

  • Parsley - Anti-cancer, Strengthens blood, Strengthens immunity, Lowers Cholesterol, Weight Loss, Vitamin C, A, Folate, Iron
  • Watercress - Watercress has strong cancer fighting capabilities and can also help to reduce cholesterol and aid with weight reduction. It is a good source of vitamins A and C.
  • Oat Grass - As with watercress, but also contains a high level of fibre, iron and magnesium.
  • Bilberry Leaves - Improves blood sugar control in diabetics, Lowers triglycerides, Strengthens capillaries, Protects against atherosclerosis, and blocks E. coli bacteria
  • Boldo - Helps indigestion, Protects the liver from toxins, has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial
  • properties
  • Goldenseal - Anti-fungal and Anti-bacterial properties
  • Lecithin - May lower cholesterol, may protect liver
  • White Willow - Anti-inflammatory
  • Slippery Elm - Aids irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, heartburn, and hemorrhoids
  • Marshmallow Root - Good for digestive and respiratory problems
  • Turmeric - Anti-inflammatory, works on indigestion and gall bladder disease
  • Peppermint - Treats colicky pain, irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, gall stones, candida, yeast infections, and relieves mucus congestion
  • Corn Silk Diuretic - rich source of potassium, helps disorders of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract, and liver
  • Couch Grass - Improves sore throats, difficult urination and kidney stones
  • Pau d’Arco - Immune stimulant, effective against bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic, and yeast infections
  • Rosemary - Potent antioxidant, antiseptic, and antispasmodic. Used for nervous disorders upset stomach, headaches, pain, strains and bruises.
  • Thyme - Antiseptic, treats respiratory problems such as asthma, allergies and coughs, as well as digestive problems and headaches.
  • Black Walnut Leaf - Anti-fungal and anti-parasitic, relieves constipation, and may help eliminate warts. Helps balance blood sugar levels, burn toxins and fatty deposits, and has anti-cancer effects.
  • Wintergreen - Helps headaches, arthritis and muscle pain. Reduces inflammation and stimulates circulation.
  • Celery Seed - Reduces blood pressure, eliminates arthritis, gout and kidney problems. Diuretic and antioxidant properties.
  • Dandelion Diuretic - cleans blood and liver, increases bile production, improves kidney, spleen, pancreas, and stomach function.
  • Lemon Grass - Aids in digestion, reduces fevers, flu, headaches and intestinal irritation.
  • Meadowsweet - Tightens tissues, promotes elimination of excessive fluids, anti-inflammatory. Works on colds, flu, nausea, digestive disorders, diarrhea, muscle cramp and ache.
  • Plantain Diuretic - treats indigestion and heartburn.
  • Sage - Stimulates central nervous system and digestive tract.
  • Rosehip - Antioxidant properties, fights inflammation, bacteria and fungi. Relaxes stomach, stimulates circulation and digestion, and detoxifies the liver
  • Parsley - diuretic, anti-cancer effects, stimulates digestion, helps kidney, liver, stomach, lung and thyroid function




    Bilberry >  Hardening of the arteries. Poor Night Vision, Haemorrhoids

    Cranberry >  Urinary Tract Infections

    Evening Primrose Oil >  Essential Fatty Acid Deficiencies

    Feverfew >  Helps Prevent Migraines

    Garlic >  Hardening of the arteries, High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol

    Ginko Biloba >  Macular Degeneration, Tinnitus, Memory Loss

    Hawthorn >  Congestive Heart Failure,  Angina Pectoris

    Liquorice >  Ulcers

    Milk Thistle >  Liver Problems

    St Johns Wart >  Depression

    Saw Palmetto >  Prostate Enlargement, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia



    Ginseng >   Adaptogen, General Tonic, Boosts Energy

    Astragalus >  Boosts Energy, General Tonic

    Bilberry >  Improves Circulation, Repairs Veins

    Garlic >  Helps Prevent Cancer, Lowers Cholesterol

    Ginko Biloba >  Improves Circulation and Memory, Antioxidant

    Gotu Kola >  Improves circulation, Healing and Memory

    Green Tea >  Helps Prevent Cancer, Antioxidant and Tonic

    Milk Thistle >  Repairs Liver Cells and a Liver Tonic

    Reishi >  Immune Stimulant, Adaptogen and a Tonic

    Siberian Ginseng >  Tonic, Boosts Energy, and a Adaptogen

    Tumeric >   Antioxidant



    Some Alternative  Remedies For High Blood Pressure  Below

    There are lots more home remedies available including  fennel seeds, onion , cayenne pepper


    The amount of calcium in brown rice makes it a good source for providing balance in the vitamin and mineral contents of the blood cells. calcium promotes a relaxed nervous system to maintain  normal blood pressure levels


    The seeds are rich in polysaccharide galactomannan that can aid a lot in the digestion process to promote proper metabolism of nutrients especially in sodium and potassium intakes and can prevent hypertension from taking place.


    Its juice and rind are also good sources of vitamin P or bioflavonoid substances that can prevent the capillary from being weak and provide better  blood circulation


    Eaten either  dry or roasted, have positive effects  in the blood vessels by relaxing or dilating them as good receptacles during blood circulation


    The various elements present in parsley are good for the maintenance of suitable blood vessels and passageways especially the capillaries. The readiness to absorb and take in the blood flow during circulation makes it easy for the blood to surge forward and reach other parts of the body.


    Is Rich in potassium that is usually needed as a nutritional supplement especially for people who are hypertensive


    Contains vitamin P that helps the arteries. Vitamin P is  actually not a vitamin  but a bioflavonoid substances that enhances the absorption of Vitamin C in the body to promote proper blood circulation


    This ancient wonder drug used for centuries is versatile since it can effectively act against the hardening of arteries. Constricted or hardened arteries make it difficult for the blood pressure or systolic to surge forward and distribute blood to the blood vessels (see Above for more on Garlics Benefits to Health)



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     Scroll Down For More Benefits Of Foods


     Guava Fruit

     Brilliantly colored from a soft cream to bright blood red, each cup loaded with antioxidants, only the blueberry has more.

    The guava is a superfood, full of vitamins C and A, lycopene, potassium, fiber to fight cancer, diabetes, heart disease

    and, build your immune system and brighten your skin; lower your bad cholesterol and keep bad bacteria at bay .


     Bio Yoghurt And its Benefits

    Eating unsweetened natural yoghurt reduced levels of hydrogen sulphide - a major cause of bad breath - in 80% of volunteers, according to Japanese research presented at a recent meeting of the International Association for Dental Research.
    The volunteers then ate 90 grams of yoghurt a day for six weeks. At the end, researchers took mouth samples again and found significant decreases in markers of bad breath. Levels of plaque were also significantly lower.
    Which bacterial strains work best for what conditions is uncertain, but "bio" yoghurts are probably better, as they nearly always contain Lactobacilli. Yoghurt has also been linked with a lower rate of colon cancer, and with a lower rate of male rectal cancer mortality.
     Immune system

    Scientists at the University of California studied the effect of live and heat-treated yoghurt consumption on younger and older adults. Both age groups, consuming 200g of the live yoghurt, showed a significant decrease in nasal allergies and also seemed to get fewer upper respiratory infections, such as colds and flu. There's evidence that the friendly bac-teria in some yoghurts and probiotic-style yoghurt drinks might ease the symptoms of diarrhoea, wind, constipation and bloating associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The bacteria appear to benefit the gut's immune system, reducing inflammation. A small pot (150g) of nat-ural yoghurt provides 243mg calcium - about 30% of the RDA. The cultures in yoghurt make absorption easier.

    Yoghurt may have a lowering effect on cholesterol and improve the balance of "good" HDL cholesterol to "bad" LDL types. Some bacteria also have the ability to break down bile acids - cholesterolcontaining digestive secretions. If the bile acids are broken down, the cholesterolcannot be re-absorbed, but is flushed out of the system.

    There is Scientific Proof Bio Yoghurt with  Live Cultures is GOOD for You ! Boring some people mite think but You cud try mixing a few Table spoons of Strawberry Yoghurt or Small Piecies of Fruit to Liven up Plain Bio Yoghurt!  And makes it more fun as a Desert or Afters.  

    Article from Various Sources including : The South African News Paper 'Daily News' And ''


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